
September 18, 2003

This was the official launch party for the flithiest woman (not just in rock, but, umm, EVER!)'s second album, Fatherfucker. Beforehand, there were whispers that she couldn't come close to the vigor of the Teaches of Peaches and that she was going the way of the Electroclash scene she was grouped into, so everyone inside Heaven's vaults was rather tentative to see if she could pull it off.

And could she HELL. I'm always a sucker for costume changes, and Peaches went through more leingerie than Agent Provacateur, stradled the balcony railng with her knee-high white stiletto boots, jumped through the crowd, mocked fellatio with bananas (and audience members!), and allowed herself to be tied up (and down) by her lovely assistants. I'd call it a spectacular comeback, but to be honest, she never really went away.