AKA "What the indie kids do for fun"
Josh, WEHR's former General Manager |
Worms Armaggedon S is a ninja rope master. It's frightening. M likes the Homing Pigeon and Super Sheep the best.
She can't ninja like S can. And they both choose poncey sound schemes.
The Sims M lives in the mansion and has 13 friends and a net worth of 90,000+ Simoleons. S isn't addicted.
The Onion Ever have beer shoot out your nose?
The Thanatopsic Page of Evil M does HTML. M likes music. M likes evil.
Burning Monkey Solitaire "Where are my ju-ju bees? I cannot seem to find my ju-ju bees."
PlayLouder Death to NME. S&M heartily endorse PlayLouder for their indie rock coverge, as well as the kickin'
Glastonbury email access. ;)
City Lights The Best Record Store in the world, officially. S&M live there, it's like "High Fidelity". Say 'lo to Ken for us.
Napster Hear new music first. There have been many occasions where M hasn't bought cds because she couldn't hear it on Napster first.
Napster means exposure for indie artists and death to crap mainstream singles bands!
Revenge on an asshole roommate.