s&M | brutally good indie
fun stuff
AKA "What the indie kids do for fun"
Josh the GM
Josh, WEHR's former General Manager
Worms Armaggedon S is a ninja rope master. It's frightening. M likes the Homing Pigeon and Super Sheep the best. She can't ninja like S can. And they both choose poncey sound schemes.
The Sims M lives in the mansion and has 13 friends and a net worth of 90,000+ Simoleons. S isn't addicted.
The Onion Ever have beer shoot out your nose?
The Thanatopsic Page of Evil M does HTML. M likes music. M likes evil.
Burning Monkey Solitaire "Where are my ju-ju bees? I cannot seem to find my ju-ju bees."
PlayLouder Death to NME. S&M heartily endorse PlayLouder for their indie rock coverge, as well as the kickin' Glastonbury email access. ;)
City Lights The Best Record Store in the world, officially. S&M live there, it's like "High Fidelity". Say 'lo to Ken for us.
Napster Hear new music first. There have been many occasions where M hasn't bought cds because she couldn't hear it on Napster first. Napster means exposure for indie artists and death to crap mainstream singles bands!
drowning in newspapers
Revenge on an asshole roommate.

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